2016.06.18. 13:47

Neve: Skyrim
Neme: mn
Fajtja: Belga melegvr
Szl. id: 2013.02.28.
Szne. jegyei: szrke
Tk.Neve: Elder Scrolls V-Skyrim
Szrmazsi hely: Santa Anita Park

Assasin's Creed

Elder Scrolls IV

Kpzse: djugrats (A)
Eredmnyei szma: 145 db
- 1.hely: II. L'amour Appearance
- 1.hely: L'amour Csikszemle
- 1. hely: Vndorok Klleme
- 1.hely: I. Fairyland Showjumping *abszolt gyztes
- 1.hely: IV. New Hope Showjumping
- 1.hely: II. Octoberfest with Appearance
- 1.hely: Biggest Spring in Sacramento
- 1.hely: Golden Star Horse Tribute Show
- 1.hely: The Big L'amour Appearance
- 1.hely: II. Underarmour Appearance
- 1.hely: I. Underarmour Week of Competition
- 1.hely: Summer Show Jumping
- 1.hely: Unchained III. Championship Horse Show *abszolt gyztes
- 1.hely: 2017 szi Bajnoksg
- 1.hely: Winter in Amsterdam - Djugrats
- 1.hely: Seville II. Show Jumping *abszolt gyztes
- 1.hely: I. Fortitude Show Jumping Cup
- 1.hely: Tour in Europe - Show Jumping in England
- 1.hely: November Show Jumping
- 1.hely: See What I've Become Appearance
- 1.hely: NoBannerCupII.: Show Jumping
- 1.hely: Christmas is Coming Showjumping
- 1.hely: Christmas Showjumping
- 1.hely: Show Jumping with Series
- 1.hely: December Showjumping
- 1.hely: New Year's Resolution
- 1.hely: Christmas Head Appearance
- 1.hely: III. Seville Showjumping
- 1.hely: February Funny Appearance *abszolt gyztes
- 1.hely: Seville Snow Jumping *abszolt gyztes
- 1.hely: Show Jumping in Valencia
- 1.hely: Dressage & Jumping Competition
- 1.hely: February Show Jumping
- 1.hely: Color Show - greys
- 1.hely: Show Jumping in March
- 1.hely: February Funny Appearance
- 1.hely: The First Day of Spring Showjumping
- 1.hely: Sacramento Training Day
- 1.hely: Look at Me Appearance
- 1.hely: Sporthorse Day
- 1.hely: Flying Stars
- 1.hely: International Sporthorse Day
- 1.hely: Another Level Showjumping
- 1.hely: Time for Sport Championship
- 1.hely: Seville's July Showjumping
- 1.hely: All of them
- 1.hely: Hello June! Showjumping
- 1.hely: LPPP - II. Jumping Show
- 1.hely: September Jumping
- 1.hely: Rapid Jumping Party
- 1.hely: Sporthorse Days in January
- 1.hely: Lets Do It Showjumping
- 1.hely: Welcome October - Show Jumping
- 1.hely: Hello Autumn November Showjumping
- 1.hely: Racing Time - Show Jumping
- 1.hely: October Showjumping
- 1.hely: Sporthorse Show in September
- 1.hely: End of August Showjumping
- 1.hely: End of November Showjumping
- 1.hely: Jump Around!
- 1.hely: States of Jumping
- 1.hely: April/May ShowJumping
- 1.hely: Summer Jumping
- 1.hely: Ready to Jump!
- 1.hely: Sporthorse Show '22
- 1.hely: New Year Competition - Jumping
- 1.hely: Almost Autumn Jumping
- 1.hely: Sporthorse Show '22
- 1.hely: Jumping for Everyone
- 1.hely: Win a Horse! - Showjumping Cup
- 1.hely: Color Show III - greys
- 1.hely: Color Show III - greys
- 1.hely: Re-opening Festivities - Show Jumping
- 1.hely: My Favourite Appearance
- 2.hely: April's Sporthorse Show
- 2.hely: Race for Sporthorse in April - djugrats
- 2.hely: Sporthorse Show '24
- 2.hely: No naked! Appearance
- 2.hely: Spring Show Jumping
- 2.hely: Djugrat Korosztlyos Minst
- 2.hely: Autumn Show Jumping
- 2.hely: Sporthorse Show in September
- 2.hely: Sporthorse Show in September
- 2.hely: Sporthorse Show in September
- 2.hely: The Best Rider
- 2.hely: Sporthorse Triatlon
- 2.hely: I. Easy Jumping
- 2.hely: Welcome Spring! Show Jumping
- 2.hely: Christmas in the Unchained Stud
- 2.hely: Seville Hunter Games
- 2.hely: Show Jumping for Sporthorses
- 2.hely: Show Jumping in April
- 2.hely: El Calvera Show Jumping
- 2.hely: Sauter Au Printemps Showjumping
- 2.hely: January Showjumping
- 2.hely: Park Opening Show Jumping
- 2.hely: October Show Jumping
- 2.hely: Seville I. Show Jumping
- 2.hely: Worldwide Showjumping - Miami Beach
- 2.hely: Valentine's Global Championships
- 2.hely: NoBannerCup: Professional Show Jumping
- 2.hely: Rising Stars Appearance
- 2.hely: Simple Appearance
- 2.hely: CS Csik Szemle
- 3.hely: Winter is Coming * for appearance horses
- 3.hely: Autumn Nations Cup - Appearance
- 3.hely: Valentine's Global Championships
- 3.hely: Summer Show Jumping
- 3.hely: Tli bajnoksg
- 3.hely: Profi lovak bajnoksga
- 3.hely: Worldwide Showjumping - Mexico City
- 3.hely: Flying Stars II.
- 3.hely: Showjumping in July
- 3.hely: III. Flying Stars
- 3.hely: Im a Winner
- 3.hely: Jumping World Cup in Shanghai
- 3.hely: Sporthorse Show in September
- 3.hely: I. Sunriver Cup
- 3.hely: Seville Days - Showjumping
- 3. hely: 10th Jubilee on Patanevelde
- 3.hely: Showjumping in May
- 3.hely: Adventi Djugrats
- 3.hely: Sporthorse Show in May
- 3.hely: Mini Sporthorse Cup
- 3.hely: Sporthorse Show '22
- 3.hely: Sporthorse Show '24
- 3.hely: Race for Sporthorse in April - djugrats szrke lovaknak
- 3.hely: Middle of Summer Jumping
- 3.hely: Sunshine Show Jumping
- 3.hely: Before or After? Appearance
- 3.hely: I. Easy Show Jumping
- 3.hely: IV. Unchained Appearance
- 4.hely: FPR Autumn Show Jumping Cup
- 5.hely: V. OPS Appearance
1. hely | Old Time Appearance | | csikk
1. hely | Foal Appearance |
1. hely | Starting Appearance | | csik
3. hely | Season Competition | | csikkllem

